Core Values
Only God's truth can make our staff and students people of integrity and wisdom, capable of making a significant impact on their families, their nation, and in the global community. God’s Word is our standard and guide for what is good, true, and beautiful.
Jesus Christ is our only Savior and the center of our School. We strive to imitate him in loving students and staff, partnering with families, and bringing glory to God in everything we do. We follow the example of Christ in our humility and service towards our neighbor.
We are committed to operating within a framework of moral and spiritual integrity that is consistent with biblical standards. We strive to build trust among all members of our community.
We follow Christ by working as a team and showing creativity, commitment, and faithful stewardship. We honor the Lord in how we use the resources that He has blessed us with for the good of our school and our community.
We deliver our educational services with a level of dedication and performance that honors the Lord. We seek to equip students with the knowledge, abilities, faith, and values that will equip them to be skillful servant leaders. We are lifelong learners together with our students, their families, and our staff.
Mission and Vision: Forming personas íntegras
The school’s mission statement explains why the school exists – to provide a Christ-centered, English-language education – and its greater purpose of shaping the lives of those who will shape the nation. The vision describes the desired future outcome of an SCS education – personas íntegras. The mission and vision are derived from the Board’s Ends Policy.
Santiago Christian School exists to provide a Christ-centered, English-language education to shape the lives of those who will shape the nation.
Personas íntegras who reflect Jesus in faith, character, wisdom, and influence
Formando Personas Íntegras
In ancient Rome, the term "curriculum" referred to the course that runners followed in a race. Today, educators use the word in very much the same sense: Schools choose a "curriculum" to set the path their students will follow. At SCS, our curriculum is focused on developing followers of Jesus who are personas íntegras. We seek to set before our students a rigorous sequence of learning that leads them to success along the challenging path to which Jesus has called them--the narrow path that leads to life. Jesus leads his children on a path that brings faith, character, wisdom, influence--a path that shapes personas íntegras.
Jesus leads his children to impeccable character -- strength, discipline, creativity, power. He calls them to wisdom --understanding the world, making wise decisions informed by knowledge and clarified through robust critical thinking skills. He calls them to influence -- loving justice and mercy, walking in humility, inspiring others to follow them. Following Jesus is the journey of a lifetime.
At SCS, students receive a world-class education taught by a faculty of English-speakers trained in the U.S. who are committed to developing each student to their fullest potential. Our students succeed on AP exams, the SAT, and the Pruebas Nacionales (Dominican national exams) and go on to attend excellent colleges across the globe. Our athletes excel in interscholastic competitions. For more than a half a century, our graduates have gone on to become business leaders, physicians, and public servants in government and non-profit organizations. The SCS curriculum takes students down a path of excellent college and career preparation while ultimately serving a much higher purpose: formando personas íntegras, students who follow Jesus on the journey of lifetime, employing their faith, character, wisdom, and influence to shape the nation.