The elementary division of Santiago Christian School consists of the Early Childhood Education program and the Elementary School. The Early Childhood Education program is made up of PreK and Kindergarten. Students in the age range of 3-4 years are enrolled in the PreK program while students at age 5 are enrolled in the Kindergarten program. Elementary School students are in grades 1 to 6.
Early Childhood Education
The ECE department is a happy place where children play and learn together with loving teachers in a safe environment. What a joy to watch our youngest students growing in faith, character, wisdom, and influence as they daily give thanks, explore God's beautiful world, and pray for one another.
Although many of our students come from all over the globe, most children are either native-English or native-Spanish speakers. Our ECE teaching staff include both native-English and native-Spanish speakers, so students are constantly interacting with native speakers of both languages. At SCS, we believe that bilingualism is a precious skill that God can use to advance opportunities for leadership and service in all of life.
Elementary School
In the Elementary School, excellence begins with the quality of instruction, materials, and experiences we provide for our students and, in time, develops into an expectation of and commitment to excellence by our students. Research-based learning tools and strategies and consistently administered standardized assessments provide a cohesive, quality learning experience. Our North American-educated professional teaching staff treasures each child as a unique individual made in the image of God. It is our privilege to serve the Lord by partnering with parents to shape young lives.
Welcome to Santiago Christian Elementary School!
Every child is a gift from God. Joyful greetings, skipping feet, and excited faces are all part of the scene as we begin watching these “gifts” return to the beautiful SCS setting. Our staff is ready to welcome students to an environment of love, learning, and growing together as we flourish under the direction of a mighty God.
People, not just programs, shape the lives of children, and the SCS Elementary Staff is delighted to partner with you in this venture. We will be intentional together about instilling mastery of skills and engaging students in the learning process to become problem solvers and servant leaders. Whether playing sports, painting a picture, or solving a math problem, we will be delighted to find ways to connect truth from God’s Word and build authentic relationships with your children. It is truly a gift to teach, train and disciple students daily. Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference together.