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"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:21


A Sound Investment

Your giving is a sound investment in the lives of students at Santiago Christian School. Any gift of any size supports our every day mission of Shaping the Lives of those who will Shape the Nation.  Please see the responses to the questions below for information related to giving.

Supporting SCS

Since 1967, the prayerful participation and service of many has enabled quality Christian education at SCS. Our faithful supporters include past teachers, alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends who believe that SCS's mission is rooted in an eternal hope. This hope gives true purpose and true partnership.

In every classroom, there are bright, curious students exploring the world, discovering new talents, asking intelligent questions, learning to think critically, growing as leaders, and sharpening their global perspective. All day every day, we educate students to reflect Jesus in character, wisdom, and influence. Our main priority is to produce graduates who are personas íntegras equipped to impact the world.

As a private school, our tuition covers the expenses associated with the daily management of the school.  However, tuition does not cover the cost of many capital improvements. Additionally, SCS does not have an endowment nor does it receive United States or Dominican government support. As such, SCS capital improvements and additions are largely dependent upon the generosity of its supporters.

First, you can give your prayers. At SCS, we acknowledge that everything we have belongs to God. Our resources – including our facilities and staff - are instruments in God's hand to be used for holy purposes in the lives of our students. Pray that we never forget that.


There are several ways to invest in SCS. Every gift, small or large, is important.

1. Cash: This is the most common way of supporting SCS. Cash gifts can be in the form of an outright gift or a pledge. Gifts from the United States are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.  We accept donations via PayPal, through direct giving at SCS, or check via the Santiago Christian School Foundation.  

2. Program Boosters: Parents can support their student's special interests by designating a gift to a favorite program. Gifts to programs like Athletics, the Spring Musical, or Model United Nations help provide the next level of quality resources and equipment to make these programs the very best they can be.

3. Non-Cash Gifts: You can be creative. Non-cash gifts can be made in the form of real estate, in-kind donations of goods or services from your business, frequent flier miles for expatriate teachers, securities, or retirement plan assets.

4. Memorial Donations: When you give a gift as a memorial in someone's honor, SCS is privileged to send an acknowledgment to the person's family on your behalf. If you make a memorial gift in the form of a piece of art, a park bench, or a tree to beautify the campus, a memorial plaque will be displayed on the gift as a lasting tribute.

5. Bequests: A bequest can be distributed from your estate. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your total estate. A bequest left to SCS leaves a legacy for future generations.

Invest from the Dominican Republic

Most Dominican residents prefer to make gifts directly to "Santiago Christian School." Every peso and every non-cash gift is carefully invested into the life of the school, ensuring that SCS students are well-equipped to lead lives marked by leadership and service.

Invest from the United States

You may make your gift to "Santiago Christian School Foundation", a 501 [c] 3 tax-exempt organization. This foundation is dedicated to Shaping the Lives of those who will Shape the Nation at SCS.  You may send funds to the address below or donate via PayPal (links on the right).

3406 Americo Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33417

The foundation's tax ID number is 36-4385849.





Giving Tuesday 2021

December 17, 2021
By Santiago Christian School

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Santiago Christian School will be participating in Giving Tuesday and we need your help! As a non-profit Christian school located in the Dominican Republic, we rely upon the generosity of others as we pursue our mission of forming students as personas íntegras (people of integrity) who reflect Jesus in character, wisdom, and influence.

This year we are raising funds to improve the sound system and acoustics in our multi-purpose gymnasium/theater.  SCS students, faculty, parents, and the community utilize this facility for student concerts, musical theater, faculty devotions, student chapel services, and special events such as graduation ceremonies.  The current sound system, which is over 30 years old, does not have the capability to provide the sound needs for school activities. A new sound system and acoustic panels will enable our entire school community to better appreciate the arts and other events that our students and faculty work so hard to produce each year.  

By joining the GivingTuesday movement, you’re proving that in times of uncertainty, generosity can bring us together. Would you prayerfully consider giving? 

Let’s rally together to build a stronger community! 

Posted in Giving Campaign

Please click on "Donate" for a one-time gift. You may also choose to make recurring, monthly gifts.

SCS General Fund

Capital Campaign

Scholarship Program

Partner Communities